You were born without a
sound, almost by surprise, December 16th, 2010, a
night when the snow was falling in large flakes. The
minute I saw you, I knew you had this very special
little touch that I sought, whence the name I have
chosen thee: Madd'yz Dog French Touch. You looked
like as a little bear, your little name every day
was just found. My sweet Teddy, my beloved Teddy,
you enlightened all my days for almost two years,
your sweet voice, also very special, I was awakened
every morning, except all the mornings since you
left me.... You were born in my hands, my sweet, you
died in my arms... And I have not been able to do to
keep you. RIP my love...I will never forget you...
beloved Teddy - 16/12/2010 - 27/11/2012
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It is
with an indescribable pain that I write these few
words ... In one afternoon, life still turn. In
leaving me, my Vounia, you took with you a piece of
my heart ... My Vava, my Vounette, Evounia, I hope
you are alongside my Teddy now and that up there,
you will watch over us with her ... fucking Cancer,
I hate this disease ...
15/11/2009 - 13/12/2013
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Il est des douleurs qui
ne s'expriment ni avec des mots, ni avec un hommage
le plus beau soit-il....Tu es partie sereine, dans
mes bras, à la maison et tu as emmené avec toi une
partie de mon coeur, à jamais...Ma douce Ditty, ma
tendre Ditty, si unique, et que j'ai tant aimé...Le
18 décembre 2013, on te prédisait une semaine...Tu
as tenu 8 mois et demi à mes côtés...Je m'étais
promis de te laisser partir avant que tu ne souffres
trop...Maintenant, tu ne souffres plus....
20/06/2008 - 29/08/2014
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